"Value" — to regard something in high regard; great importance, worth, or usefulness
We hold to the Bible as our guide, our standard and our authority. It is the Word of God and will be the foundation of everything that we do.
We believe that the local church is the hope of the world. It is not a cul-de-sac; it is a through street to impacting the world for Christ. It is NOT about us.
We will not be passive in our efforts to bring others to Christ. We will go, send and give so that the lost can be found in Him.
We will not settle for small thinking or safe living. Nothing will be off the table in our service to God.
We will give the very best that we have to God. Excellence in every area of ministry expresses the importance that we put on God and His work.
We know that coming to church can be hard and will work to make this a welcoming, loving and inviting place for all walks of life and groups of people.
We recognize that we are simply managers of the resources that God provides to us. We will hold nothing back as we give of our time, energy, and finances.
We should not go through life alone. We will create an atmosphere and opportunities for deep connection and authentic relationships.